Good to have friends!

After church tonight we spent some time trying to figure out how to work it out for the guys of 3 families to go see Captain America while the 5 kids, one exchange student and 3 women got dinner, complicated by one of the women having a PTA meeting to go to.

In the end the guys left to go see the movie, the PTA atendee, 2 kids, exchange student, and I went to her house while the other lady took her 3 kids with her to go get McDonalds for 8 of us. I stayed at the house while 1 left for meeting and hung out with three waiting for dinner, to be brought by the other adult, and 3 more kids. It was a fun night!

Since the weather was finally less than 100 we took the kids to the park after dinner. Being pregnant, I got to drive my friend’s car to take the 3 youngest and exchange student just around the corner while my friend walked the 2 oldest kids.

A good time was had by all!


It’s so good to have friends that live nearby!
